Redeeming Unsaturated Fat

The most dreaded word in many dieter’s vocabulary is ‘fat’. It is not uncommon to hear a dieter discuss their avoidance of eating fat as if it were something thoroughly unwholesome, or even life-threatening, like an allergen, or a contagious disease.

In one way, this impassioned hatred of fat is positive. It reflects a generally understood medical truth that overindulging in fat-rich foods often causes unwanted, and unhealthy, weight gain.

However, in another way, this fat-phobia is potentially dangerous, because awareness of fat is not enough; an understanding of how fat influences weight gain and overall health is required. Unfortunately, those who dread and avoid all fat “as a rule” are overlooking an important difference between saturated fat and unsaturated fat.

Saturated fat is often the real culprit when it comes to unwanted, and potentially unhealthy, weight gain. These types of fats, which are solid at room temperature, initiate the production of LDL cholesterol, or “bad cholesterol”. In addition to weight gain, as cholesterol increases, so does the risk of heart disease. In fact, saturated fats increase LDL cholesterol disproportionately more than dietary cholesterol itself; that is how powerfully bad it is to the human body[i]. Dreading and avoiding this kind of fat is therefore quite intelligent.

Some dieters, however, are motivated less by concerns about high cholesterol and heart disease than they are about cosmetic weight gain. This is not a criticism; the adverse health effects of excess weight are well documented, as are the emotional traumas and social stigmas that tragically affect tens of millions of overweight people, especially children[ii].

Unquestionably, an excess intake of saturated fat is linked to weight gain. This is because a fat gram contains more than twice the amount of calories as a protein gram – 9 calories versus 4 calories[iii]. As a result, dieters can eat more than twice as many protein grams as fat grams to achieve the same amount of caloric intake. For dieters who are steadfastly watching every calorie, this 125% calorie difference between protein and fat can have an enormous impact.

Fat cells, once created, cannot be removed[1]; they can only be made smaller through the body’s metabolic calorie-burning process[iv]. Since an individual’s rate of metabolism is determined largely by genetics, a dieter with a slower than average metabolism will spend months, perhaps even years longer struggling to shrink fat cells then would his or her metabolically-gifted counterpart[v].

It is quite easy to understand, based on the above discussion, why the very idea of fat is dreaded by dieters; both because of the health hazards it poses, and its capacity to create excess fat cells. And it is just as easy to understand why many people are so afraid of consuming this kind of fat that they strive to remove all fat from their diet. This, however, is a large nutritional oversight.

Fat is a macronutrient that the body requires for a number of important functions. Fat is a source of energy. It helps keep the body warm, it aids in the absorption of some vitamins, and helps regulate the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system[vi]. This appears, however, to be a contradiction.

On the one hand there are health and weight gain hazards associated with fat, and on the other hand, there are proven health benefits associated with fat. How can this be? The answer is easily understood when we differentiate between the two types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. The kind of fat associated with health hazards is the former; the kind that the body needs and uses effectively is the latter.

There are two sub-types of unsaturated fat: polysaturated fat, and monosaturated fat. Popular foods that contain polysaturated fat include safflower oil and corn oil, while monosaturated fats are found in such foods as olive oil and peanut oil. These unsaturated fats are those that provide the body with the most useful and efficient sources of fat that lead to the health benefits noted above.

However, though there is a clear benefit to eating unsaturated fats instead of saturated fats, both types continue to offer eaters the standard 9 calories per gram. As such, no eater should consume an excess amount of fat.

Equipped with the awareness and understanding that avoiding saturated fat is hazardous to health, and that there is such a thing as “good” (unsaturated) fat, it would be expected that most nutritional supplements on the market have created foods that reflect this understanding. This is, regrettably, not the case.

Most nutritional supplements contain some fat content; many even contain saturated fat for some inexplicable reason[2]. Tragically – and there is no other word – many dieters are deceived into eating self-described nutritionally intelligent foods that may be “low calorie”, and may even have some vitamins and nutrients, but they but they are adding to the individual’s limited capacity to ingest fat grams. Many people who seek to lose weight by eating nutritional supplements often gain weight. They erroneously believe it is the result of a slow metabolism, when the culprit is the amount of fat grams ingested.

Fortunately, there are several fat-free food supplements on the market today. There are several important benefits of this strategy that benefit dieters of all sizes.

The obvious benefit is that a dieter does not have to count fat calories when eating these nutritional supplements; they are 100% fat free, and do not add to their daily fat-intake limit.

Less obviously, however, is that a zero-fat nutritional supplement that contains protein can stimulate the digestive system and minimize fat storage. This is because the protein content can help regulate the body’s ability to effectively absorb the calories that it derives from carbohydrates and fats. For example, a dieter who eats a sugary, fat-filled cupcake can mitigate fat storage and increase nutrient utilization by eating it with a protein-rich nutritional supplement.

The world of nutrition has long since known the link between dietary fat and weight gain. Unsaturated fat can be a trusted ally in the fight against weight loss. Understanding how it differs from saturated fat helps demystify the stigma of unsaturated fats – a stigma that should be reserved for its unhealthy cousin, saturated fats.

by: Protica Research

Dispelled Diabetes Myths

2 Dangerous Myths About Diabetes Dispelled
There are myths about virtually everything that one can think of, especially on the subject of diabetes. If you are a diabetic then it is important to wade through the untruths and understand the realities of living with this disease. Fortunately, most myths that you may hear about diabetes are not nearly as negative as they sound. In fact, many are just flat out lies. Below are a few myths about diabetes that you may or may not have heard:

Myth #1: Becoming hypoglycemic can cause brain damage because it kills brain cells.

The experience of hypoglycemia can come on extremely fast and leave a diabetic with an extreme headache that is accompanied by weakness and at times mass confusion. Because of these complications that result from hypoglycemia, people have assumed that this can link directly to the killing of brain cells and eventually destroy the function of your mind.

However, studies upon studies over the years have proven that people that suffer from the effects of hypoglycemia do not lose any mental function whatsoever. Children on the other hand, may indeed experience some loss of mental functioning because their brains are still not fully developed.

The good news is that the human body has an endless supply of hormones that are able to reverse the effects of hypoglycemia. And in addition to your body's defense mechanisms, there are things that a person can do directly to prevent hypoglycemia. For example, before embarking into heavy exercise be sure to check your blood glucose levels as well as keep with you an emergency supply of glucose that your body can absorb rapidly.

Myth #2: Now that you have diabetes you cannot exercise.

This is probably the most dangerous myth about diabetes that can have life or death consequences. In fact, the direct opposite is true. If anybody should exercise it is men and women that have diabetes! Routine exercise is probably the most beneficial preventative measure that a person can utilize in order to defend against complications that result from type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

This does not mean that if you've never exercised in your life and are over the age of 40, then you should run out and start participating in marathons, but it does mean that you can slowly start conditioning your body with slow walks and light exercise that can increase in intensity over time.

Is there ever a time when diabetes can prevent you from exercising? Of course, for example when a person is suffering because of a severe kidney infection, or hemorrhaging of the eyes, etc. However, this is just common sense and is not in any way, shape, or form a reason not to exercise on a daily basis once these symptoms subside.

Put on a Party that Everyone Can Enjoy Even Guests with Diabetes

People who have diabetes -- a disorder of the metabolism, in which their body has trouble converting food into energy -- must pay close attention to everything they eat. Their bodies do not have the mechanisms necessary to properly regulate their blood sugar levels.

Diabetes affects about 17 million Americans so chances are good someone who has the illness will attend your next party. Since you don’t want anyone to feel left out, here are some tips to help you plan a party every guest will enjoy:

* For the main meal, offer your guests variety. Have fish, poultry and lean cuts of beef, veal or pork available so there will be something for everyone. Remove the skin -- which is high in fat -- from poultry. This will benefit not only diabetics, but everyone at your party.

* Instead of creamy mashed potatoes, which are high in carbohydrates, offer a variety of grains and fresh vegetables for side dishes. Those items are all on the Diabetic Food Pyramid and good for everyone. Keep in mind, basic foods are always the safest. Avoid sauces, and casseroles, especially those with cheese and cream sauces.

* For dessert, provide your guests with healthy, low-carb alternatives to the sweet holiday treats. Put out platters with bagel chips, pretzels, low fat crackers, raw fruits and vegetables.

“People with diabetes must avoid foods high in carbohydrates because they send the body’s blood sugar levels soaring,” says Gary Janson, president of American Medical Supply, a Florida-based diabetic supplies company that serves clients in all 50 states. “When you eat, your body breaks down all carbohydrates, and some portion of proteins, into a sugar substance called glucose. The hormone, insulin, directs glucose to enter the cells, creating energy.”

In a regular, healthy person, the body carefully monitors the amount of sugar which is circulated in the blood and removes it when high levels are detected. Diabetics’ bodies either produce inadequate levels of insulin or none at all, so their blood sugar level is chronically high. Over time, patients with diabetes can develop such complications as blindness, kidney disease, nerve damage, heart disease, stroke, increased risk of infections or even amputations.

People who have diabetes should regularly check their blood sugar levels. The cost of testing supplies can exceed $1,200 a year for someone who tests their blood sugar three times a day. While Medicare and most third party insurers cover some of the cost, patients can incur substantial out-of-pocket expenses while waiting for insurance reimbursement.

To help patients avoid this expense, companies such as American Medical Supplies specialize in taking the hassle out of ordering and paying for supplies by billing insurance providers and Medicare directly, with no upfront cost to the patient.

When it comes to diet, here are some things people with diabetes need to keep in mind -- not only during the holidays, but throughout the year:

Foods that must be avoided:
* Sugar
* Sweets
* Honey
* Jam and Jellies
* Cakes and Pastries
* Sweetened Juices and soft drinks
* Fried food
* Fermented foods

Foods that can be eaten in moderate quantities:
* Fats
* Nuts
* Cereals/Roots/Tubers
* Pulses
* Fruits
* Milk Products
* Meat Products
* Eggs
* Artificial Sweeteners

Foods that are always safe:
* Vegetables
* Green Leafy Vegetables
* Spices
* Food high in fiber content

by: ARA