2 Dangerous Myths About Diabetes Dispelled
There are myths about virtually everything that one can think of, especially on the subject of diabetes. If you are a diabetic then it is important to wade through the untruths and understand the realities of living with this disease. Fortunately, most myths that you may hear about diabetes are not nearly as negative as they sound. In fact, many are just flat out lies. Below are a few myths about diabetes that you may or may not have heard:
Myth #1: Becoming hypoglycemic can cause brain damage because it kills brain cells.
The experience of hypoglycemia can come on extremely fast and leave a diabetic with an extreme headache that is accompanied by weakness and at times mass confusion. Because of these complications that result from hypoglycemia, people have assumed that this can link directly to the killing of brain cells and eventually destroy the function of your mind.
However, studies upon studies over the years have proven that people that suffer from the effects of hypoglycemia do not lose any mental function whatsoever. Children on the other hand, may indeed experience some loss of mental functioning because their brains are still not fully developed.
The good news is that the human body has an endless supply of hormones that are able to reverse the effects of hypoglycemia. And in addition to your body's defense mechanisms, there are things that a person can do directly to prevent hypoglycemia. For example, before embarking into heavy exercise be sure to check your blood glucose levels as well as keep with you an emergency supply of glucose that your body can absorb rapidly.
Myth #2: Now that you have diabetes you cannot exercise.
This is probably the most dangerous myth about diabetes that can have life or death consequences. In fact, the direct opposite is true. If anybody should exercise it is men and women that have diabetes! Routine exercise is probably the most beneficial preventative measure that a person can utilize in order to defend against complications that result from type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
This does not mean that if you've never exercised in your life and are over the age of 40, then you should run out and start participating in marathons, but it does mean that you can slowly start conditioning your body with slow walks and light exercise that can increase in intensity over time.
Is there ever a time when diabetes can prevent you from exercising? Of course, for example when a person is suffering because of a severe kidney infection, or hemorrhaging of the eyes, etc. However, this is just common sense and is not in any way, shape, or form a reason not to exercise on a daily basis once these symptoms subside.
There are myths about virtually everything that one can think of, especially on the subject of diabetes. If you are a diabetic then it is important to wade through the untruths and understand the realities of living with this disease. Fortunately, most myths that you may hear about diabetes are not nearly as negative as they sound. In fact, many are just flat out lies. Below are a few myths about diabetes that you may or may not have heard:
Myth #1: Becoming hypoglycemic can cause brain damage because it kills brain cells.
The experience of hypoglycemia can come on extremely fast and leave a diabetic with an extreme headache that is accompanied by weakness and at times mass confusion. Because of these complications that result from hypoglycemia, people have assumed that this can link directly to the killing of brain cells and eventually destroy the function of your mind.
However, studies upon studies over the years have proven that people that suffer from the effects of hypoglycemia do not lose any mental function whatsoever. Children on the other hand, may indeed experience some loss of mental functioning because their brains are still not fully developed.
The good news is that the human body has an endless supply of hormones that are able to reverse the effects of hypoglycemia. And in addition to your body's defense mechanisms, there are things that a person can do directly to prevent hypoglycemia. For example, before embarking into heavy exercise be sure to check your blood glucose levels as well as keep with you an emergency supply of glucose that your body can absorb rapidly.
Myth #2: Now that you have diabetes you cannot exercise.
This is probably the most dangerous myth about diabetes that can have life or death consequences. In fact, the direct opposite is true. If anybody should exercise it is men and women that have diabetes! Routine exercise is probably the most beneficial preventative measure that a person can utilize in order to defend against complications that result from type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
This does not mean that if you've never exercised in your life and are over the age of 40, then you should run out and start participating in marathons, but it does mean that you can slowly start conditioning your body with slow walks and light exercise that can increase in intensity over time.
Is there ever a time when diabetes can prevent you from exercising? Of course, for example when a person is suffering because of a severe kidney infection, or hemorrhaging of the eyes, etc. However, this is just common sense and is not in any way, shape, or form a reason not to exercise on a daily basis once these symptoms subside.